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HIV Activism.

The progress we have seen in access to treatment and improvements in quality HIV services are based on communities self-organizing and demanding their right to health. 

Life 2.0. mainstreams the importance of creating a community  movement and to fight for social justice and rights of PLHIV. 

As am activist organization, we build a network of a leaders to work together for equity in access to medicines and health. 

Our goal is to identify leaders, mobilize activists and help them to: 

  • Gain the technical knowledge and leadership skills needed to be part of the activists network fighting for better health.

  • Build connections and relationships with stakeholders across local and national levels to bring about change.

  • Increase dialogue and intersectionality of social justice through peer-to-peer exchanges.

  • Analyse structural barriers to health and devise advocacy strategies to achieve needed change.

  • Access the latest and up-to-date information on the most pressing HIV treatment access issues.

  • Benefit from potential opportunities and collaborations with Life 2.0. and its partners. These may include trainings and capacity building, conference support, board memberships and other engagements.

Join a Campaign

Join us in creating better environment for People Living with HIV. 


Sign up for Life 2.0 mailing list and get engaged in the advocacy campaigns and other opportunities. 


Get engaged in Community Based Monitoring of access and quality of HIV treatment and services. 

We believe that in order to achieve sustainable public health outcomes, progress towards HIV targets must be inclusive of, and responsive to data on both access and quality of HIV services. Community Based Monitoring offer the potential to increase oversight and advocacy for improved access and quality.  

Community-led monitoring can supplement national health data by collecting data that would otherwise be excluded, producing shadow reports that hold governments accountable, and build evidence to inform civil society and community advocacy for improved care and services.

Thus, Life 2.0. focuses on facilitating community based monitoring on different levels. 

Join our community monitoring group and get engaged into improving access to quality HIV services. 

Stay Connected 

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Be part of conversation and make a positive impact in PLHIV community.

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